Saturday, 25 April 2015

Silver linings are back!

I have not been on here for a long time. Due to some personal issues, due to ... well yeah, just personal issues really. But the important thing is, I am back. I do see silver linings again. I have read some cool books and seen some great movies. I got some new callings in Church, and some I will be losing soon. All in all, my knowledge has grown and with it (I honestly hope) my wisdom.

With all of this said, I have a movie and a book I would like to discuss.
You might have heard of this name before. You might have watched the movie. This lady's name is MALEFICENT.

I am so glad this movie was made! It finally shows that not everyone that is "bad" is really bad.
Let me clarify. People are often times so linear. They say Maleficent has to be bad because she just is! No left, no right, just pure bad. WRONG!

What this movie shows is that she was betrayed, poisoned, violated (when Stefan cut of her wings), she was portrayed a villain by king Henry and later kind Stefan. She was angry, sad and she became a vengeful fairy. She had the right to be THAT Maleficent. She was hurting inside.
But the good Maleficent never went away really. She was there when Diaval was about to be killer. She was there when little baby Aurora was about to fall of the cliff; she was always watching over her. She was hurting, but she was still good inside.

I am not excusing what she did as okay, because there is a great difference between being bad and evil (which I will talk about further down); But I choose to believe that there is ALWAYS good in people and that we never fully know why people are the way they are. We all cope with things in different ways.

The problem, of course, is when people continue to choose to be bad. When they decide they like being bad more than good.
But for all those reasons mentioned before we really should have this in mind:

I also think that that is what God wanted us all to learn from the beginning of the world. 

Some people (like Maleficent) find their way out from the darkness, and some people like Neferet (Goddess, Queen Tsi Sgili, High Priestess of the Tulsa House of Night) don't. 

I guess you've noticed already that we're no longer talking about the movie, but about the book(s) - The House of Night series by P.C. and Kristin Cast. (I recommend you to read this teen fiction).

Anyway, Neferet was a girl (Emily Wheiler was her human name) and she was raped by her father when she was a child after her mother died. Maybe because of that she has a deep hatred of humans.
(He was just a messed up man.) 
After the Tracker found her and Marked her, she became a fledgling and afterwards survived the change into a vampire and became the High Priestess of the Tulsa House of Night. She was a powerful vampire. Powerful, but sad and bitter. She had a sinister affection towards the darkness and couldn't see the wrong in what she was doing. She didn't want to change. She loved the darkness, and that's where she went wrong.

The conclusion to all of this is that there is a thin line between being good and bad. A thin line and a huge 'behind the scenes' story as to WHY... 
Evil is its own category. Evil is a product of being bad for a long time. Choosing to hurt people, choosing to always be bitter, angry, right, prideful...Choosing not to let go!

I pray that we all try to choose good no matter what!
Being good is a choice. Even if one is hurting...